fredag 30 december 2011

Myrorna delar ut Nyårspresenter.

Reportage: spela själv - Expo Norr (Ricks LPRP 1) 1970. Rare as hens teeth original release of this recently bootlegged cult classic from Sweden. Without doubt the rarest release on the pre-Caprice Expo Norr label known for it’s eclectic discography, and one of THE rarest LPs to come out of Sweden. Recorded over a year by Bo Anders Persson of ‘Träd, Gräs Och Stenar’ fame, this is an exploration of the deepest stoner commune-psych folk of the period. This Lp is a highly recommend mix of improvised jams that have an intoxicating effect that keeps you coming back for another listen. Featuring trad Swedish instruments, violin, guitars, flutes, exotic percs, chanting vocals and tape effects.. Unlike the Bootleg issue, this isn’t a white label, it is pressed with run-in grooves between tracks and comes with a printed inner sleeve with all the information. Beautiful and highly recommended avant-folk masterpiece.. Needless to say, very few known copies of this oddity have surfaced. (lånad text)

The Habibiyya - If Man But Knew Island lp 1072 Traditionellt Sufi Groove....

The Habibiyya: Ian Whiteman, Roger Powell and friends, 'If Man But Knew'.
A whole range of instruments appear on 'If man but knew'; zither, mandola, oboe, flute and drums, to name but a few. It's incredibly difficult to tell you what a record such as this sounds like - it's almost impossible as I can't give you any similar sounds to refer to - unless you have been to Morocco and heard for yourself, it's like trying to describe how a good stone feels.
Ian and Roger came from a band called 'Mighty Baby' - quite a musical contrast when you hear the music they are playing now. Think you may enjoy a taste of this strange Moroccan music.
The Habibiyya are the followers of the venerable Shakya al-Habib.
Michael Evans: Mandola & Guitar
Ian Whiteman: Shakuhachi, Piano, Vocals, Bina Organ & Oboe
Roger Powell: Safi Drum & Drums
Conrad Archuletta: Shakuhachi, Vocal, Nay Flute, Zither & Banjo
Susan Archuletta: Shakuhachi, Koto, Vocals, Viola & Guitar
Recorded in Island Studios, London, 1972

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2 roliga fynd, och Tack Myrorna, ser det som en återbetalning för årets slit i deras annars ganska undernärda butik.